- din 01.10.2024
Contact: sorin.cosman@emd.utcluj.ro
We are a group of students from Cluj-Napoca’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering and we converged each other’s determination and ideas into this team, which we named Volt-X. We want to make the most of all the years of learning through the projects we will carry out. Our minds will be put to the test, and we will prove our ambition. Not only will we enhance our professional abilities, but also our personal ones. The main objective of the team is to develop complex projects in the field of electrical engineering and thus acquiring other skills related to the process, from organization and teamwork to the deepening of our theoretical and practical knowledge.
Marza Luca "Team Manager" ... (read more)
Lazea Mihai "Co-Team Manager" ... (read more)
Horvath Botond "Dashboard" ... (read more)
Oros Andrei "Mechanics"... (read more)
Ocneru Diana "Media".... (read more)
Lebenita Carina "Designer"... (read more)
Kormanszki Adruian "Telemetry".... (read more)
Nasalean Alexandru "Sponsorship"... (read more)