Paolo GUARNERI Postdoc researchers
Tel: +40 264 401827
Tel: +40 771726364
SHORT biography
Paolo Guarneri was born on December, 9, 1981 in Cremona, Italy. Paolo Guarneri earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the Transport System Safety Lab (La.S.T.) of Politecnico di Milano (Polytechnic of Milan), Italy, working both in theoretical and experimental areas of engineering, building a background in optimization theory and ground vehicle safety.
To broaden his expertise in system optimization, he spent a semester at the Optimal Design Laboratory at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor to focus on decomposition-based and multidisciplinary optimization that was applied to the design of an innovative passenger car brake caliper with electric actuation, for which a European patent was obtained. He also focused on the study of indoor testing procedures for the assessment of comfort and road holding of ground vehicle suspension systems. These activities were sponsored by industrial partners, Brembo S.p.a. and Ferrari S.p.a.
He has worked as a postdoctoral fellow with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University from August 2010 to August 2013, developing theoretical results in multidisciplinary optimization for complex systems motivated by automotive applications. These activities were funded by NSF and the US ARMY.
He is currently with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, working in the DeMoTest-EV project, a project on the design of electric vehicles supported by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Action program.
- Multidisciplinary design and optimization
- Design of metamaterials for automotive applications
- Vehicle layout optimization
English - C1 and Italian - Native
Selected publications
1. Guarneri, P., Wiecek, M.M., "Pareto-based negotiation in distributed multidisciplinary design", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2015, 10.1007/s00158-015-1348-3.
2. Czech, C., Guarneri, P., Thyagaraja, N., Fadel, G., "Systematic design optimization of the meta-material shear beam of a non-pneumatic wheel for low rolling resistance", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2015, doi:10.1115/1.4029518.
3. Dandurand, B., Guarneri, P., Wiecek, M.M., Fadel, G.M., "Bilevel multiobjective packaging optimization for automotive design", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 50(4), 2014.
4. Guarneri, P., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Cantoni, C., Sicigliano, R., "Theoretical analysis of brake caliper energetic efficiency", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 136(8), 2014.
5. Guarneri, P., Leverenz, J.T., Wiecek, M.M., Fadel, G.M., "Optimization of nonhierarchially decomposed problems", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 246:312-319, 2013.
Professional event attendance (selected events)
1. Organization of "Multiobjective optimization for engineering design modeling", session at EURO-INFORMS 2013, July 1-4, 2013, Rome. Presented talk: Guarneri, P., Dandurand, B., Fadel, G., Wiecek, M.M., "Bilevel multiobjective packaging optimization".
2. 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Sydney, Australia, June 2015. Presented paper: Guarneri, P., Wiecek, M., Tradeoff exploration in decomposition-based optimization, in Proc.
3. ASME DETC12. Presented paper: Czech, C., Guarneri, P., Fadel, G.M., "Meta-material design of the shear layer of a non-pneumatic wheel using topology optimization", in Proc., paper DETC2012-71340.
4. 2011 INFORMS, Charlotte, NC, Nov. 2011. Presented paper: Guarneri, P., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., "Multi-objective design of vehicles in a multi-scenario framework: k-optimality selection of the Pareto solutions".
Editorial and reviewer work
- ASME Journal of Mechanical Design
- ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- Materials and Design
Professional membership
ISSMO member, AIAS member
CAD, engineering optimization, engine design
Student advising
- Co-advisor of M.Sc. students (5) and one Ph.D. student.
Hobbies: Cooking and sports (soccer, swimming)
Field of interest: -