Răzvan Alexandru INȚE PhD Student
Tel: +40264401828
SHORT biography
He graduated at “Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Technical College in his home town of Zalău with a
High School Diploma in Telecommunication and followed-up with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca where his points of interests were electric
machines and drives, embedded control and vehicular technology. During this period, he did a series of
internship in the private sector in order to acquire practical experience in the field of electrical and
mechanical engineering (e.g. summer internship at Michelin Romania SA in Zalău) also he participated at
the first two edition of MOTION UNDER CONTROL organized by Electric Machine and Drive Department
to put into practice the theory learned. He had finished Master of Science program at the Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca studying the field of Advanced Electrical Systems. His master thesis was
“Design and control of Synchronous Reluctance Machine with outer rotor”.
Currently he is a PhD student at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca under the supervision of
Professor Claudia Martis and occupies a research assistant position in the Advanced Technologies for
Intelligent Urban Electric Vehicles (URBIVEL) project. His current research tasks consist in design and
optimization with finite element method, for different structures and types of electric machines with
CAD software FLUX 2D to design and analyzed parameters of the electric machine. He also uses MATLAB
for the optimization and mathematical approach to design electric machines.
- Develop a mathematical (using MATLAB) model for Synchronous Reluctance Machine with outer
rotor for automotive application.
- Design and optimization for Electric Machines using Flux 2D and MATLAB.
- Thermal analysis of electrical machine.
- Structural analysis of electrical machine.
English - C1
Research mobilities
- 5 months internship at Maccon GmbH, Munich, Germany
- 4 months internship at ESIEE Amiens, Amiens, France Germany
-2016 - Conferinta Nationala de Actionari Electrice, 13-14 Octombrie 2016, Cluj-Napoca "Analysis of
Outer Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Trapezoidal Form of Flux-Barriers", R. Inţe, N. F.
Jurca, Claudia Martis, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca
2016 - R. A. Inte and F. N. Jurca, "A novel synchronous reluctance motor with outer rotor for an electric
bike," 2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi,
2016, pp. 213-218, doi: 10.1109/ICEPE.2016.7781335
2018 R. Inte and F. N. Jurca, "Torque ripple reduction of outer rotor synchronous reluctance machine
with concentrated winding," 2017 19th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power
Electronics (EDPE), Dubrovnik, 2017, pp. 248-252. doi: 10.1109/EDPE.2017.8123240
2018 R. A. Inte, F. N. Jurca and C. Martis, "Comparative performance evaluation of synchronous
reluctance machine with outer rotor versus inner rotor," 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference
(ENERGYCON), Limassol, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2018.8398842
2018 R. Inte, F. Jurca and C. Martis, "A study of the rotor design influence in power factor value of
ORSynRM," 2018 ELEKTRO, Mikulov, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ELEKTRO.2018.8398287
Professional events attendance
2016 - participated at a Workshop “Entrepreneurship Education Workshop”, Romania, Cluj-Napoca,
November 2016
2017 - participated at a Seminar - High-speed Drives for sustainable electromechanical systems, The
Netherlands, Eindhoven, February 2017.
2017 - participated at a Workshop “Grant Writing: from PhD to scientific leadership, The
Netherlands, Eindhoven, February 2017.
2018 -System Level Design and Modelling of Electric Drive for Automotive Traction Applications,
Siemens Industry Software NV, Leuven, Belgium
2018 - Thermal Concepts and Simulation Methodologies for Electric Drives, Aachen, Germany;
2018 - Workshop on Fault Tolerant Electromechanical Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Hobbies: Volleyball, literature, swimming, traveling