Arkadiusz DZIECHCIARZ PhD Student
Tel: +40 748 646 463
Tel: +48 721 274 399
SHORT biography
He was born on 8th of April 1986, Nisko, Poland. After graduating from technical high school in Nisko in 2006, he began his studies on electrical engineering in Cracow University of Technology. After graduating in 2011 and obtaining Master degree, he started his work as an assistant in Chair of Electrical Machines in Cracow University of Technology. On 13th of March 2014 he started his work as a researcher in Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in frame of ITN ADEPT Project. Since 1st of October 2014 he is enrolled as PhD student at the Electromechanical Systems Group under the coordination of Professor Claudia Martis.
- Modeling, analysis and design of electrical machines
English - B2
Research mobilities
- 1 month secondment at University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia
Fabien Chauvicourt, Cassio Faria, Arkadiusz Dziechciarz, Claudia Martis: "Infuence of Rotor Geometry on NVH Behavior of Synchronous Reluctance Machine", 2015 Tenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER)
Simon Wiedemann, Arkadiusz Dziechciarz: "Comparative Evaluation of DTC Strategies for the Synchronous Reluctance Machine", 2015 Tenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER)
Arkadiusz Dziechciarz, Claudia Martis: "New Shape of Rotor Flux Barriers in Synchronous Reluctance Machines Based on Zhukovski Curves", The 9th International Symposium on ADVANCED TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ATEE), 7-9 May 2015 Bucharest
Claudiu Oprea, Arkadiusz Dziechciarz, Claudia Martis: "Comparative Analysis of Different Synchronous Reluctance Motor Topologies", 15th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 10-13 June 2015, Rome
Professional events attendance
1. FISITA World Automotive Congress 2014 Maastricht, Netherlands
2. Training on NVH issues, LMS, June 2014, Leuven, Belgium
3. Ecologic Vehicles Renewable Energies Conference (EVER) 2015, Monte Carlo, Monaco
4. The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE) 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Hobbies: Computer science, sports, travelling
Field of interest: Hardware and software engineering